A O Smith Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

A O Smith Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
11270 W. Park Place,Ste. 170 Milwaukee, WI 53224
Phone: (414)359-4000
Website: www.aosmith.com

Company Overview

A O Smith is a public organization in Wilkinson. The organization specializes in manufacturing water boilers and heaters that can be used both at residential and commercial places. A. O Smith is regarded as largest marketer and manufacturer of water heaters and boilers in North America. The company also supplies different water treatment tools in South and East Asian market. Arthur. O. Smith is the founder father of this organization who initiated the original foundation in the year 1904. Paul. W. Jones and Ajita J Rajendra are respected CEO and COO of the organization. At present, approximately 10,600 full time employees work in this organization.

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