Activision Blizzard, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Activision Blizzard, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
3100 Ocean Park Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405
Phone: (310)255-2000

Company Overview

Activision Blizzard Inc. is a leader in interactive entertainment software production, headquartered in Santa Monica, California. They are associated with the online interactive products including consoles, personal computer, mobile and even handheld devices. The business of the company involves with the development, sales and even marketing of the variety of products through digital downloads or retail channels. Activision Blizzard Inc. earns revenues through varied means such as subscriptions, offering product license to any third-party company, and online sales of various downloadable products. The company is described as one of the leading position holders in the market of varied video gaming tools.

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