ACS or American Cancer Society is the nationwide health organization (voluntary) that help cancer patients in eliminating the disease successfully. The society was established in 1913 and till now it is being organized in more than 12 geographical destinations. At present, American Cancer Society offers lay volunteers and medicines in near about 900 organizations in the US. Recently they have started working in Puerto Rico as well. Headquarter of the organization is located in Atlanta. Critics say that businesspersons in New York originally established the society, but later physicians joined them. The organization uses sword symbol, which was initiated by E. Durant, a resident of Brooklyn, New York.
There are currently 1 consumer reviews about American Cancer Society, Inc. available. Share your review.
I made an online donation perthe request of the family of the deceased. I donated $25.00, the online donation site doubled my amount to $50.00 which I did not know until I recieved an email thanking me for my $50.00 donation. When I replied, I was asked if I wanted it corrected. I asked if the family had already been notified of my donation and the reply was yes, so I let the donation stand. Family members of the deceased have also made donations. All cards that should have been sent to the family of the deceased notifying them of the donations, and to the people who made the donations, have been sent to me. I am not a member of the family. I notified the Cancer Society online and told them they had to resend the cards, I am still getting notifications that a donation has been made in the name of the deceased (meant for the family) and a than you for your donation (meant for the donor). Do not donate online. Make a donation to your local Cancer Society. It is hard t believe that an organization as large and multinational cannot handle a simple thank you for yoyr donation. If they dan't handle simple clerical issues I shudder to think what they are doing with the funds donated.
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