Conrad Yelvington Distributors Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Conrad Yelvington Distributors Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

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2326 Bellevue Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Phone: (386)252-0001

Company Overview

Conrad Yelvington Distributors Inc Corporate Office in Daytona Beach Florida deal with supply of paving and construction materials-retail as well as wholesale in Florida, United States, apart from undertaking construction projects. Available records indicate that this Company was founded in 1960 and incorporated in Florida by Gary Yelvington –the present President, which was expanded from 1982 onwards. Currently, it is a private company managed by Gary Yelvington and Conrad Yelvington, who is the Chief Executive Officer, aided by a set of professional staff. The distributors supply marble, stone, bricks, gravel, ceramic items, kerbstone, precast slabs, precast compound walls, interlock pavers, cobble and concrete mix, and stone and other construction materials.

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