Cummins Cumberland Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Cummins Cumberland Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2301 Nelson Miller Parkway Louisville, KY 40223
Phone: (502)254-3363

Company Overview

Cummins Cumberland Inc is globally reputed corporation dealing in complimentary units of business that distribute, design and manufacture service engines and other associated technologies including air handling, fuel systems, filtration, electrical power generating systems, emission solutions etc. the company has headquarter at Columbus in Indiana. They recruit over 46,000 employees throughout various functioning centers across the globe. They have record sales of about $17.3 billion and earned approximately $1.66 billion in 2012. The company came into existence in 1919 and started operations as Cummins Engine Company under the able entrepreneurship of Clessie Cummins. William Glanton, a local banker, offered financial support for running the enterprise.

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