Dixondale Farms Corporate Office Headquarters

Dixondale Farms Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
Highway 83 North Carrizo Springs, TX 78834
Phone: (830)876-2335
Website: www.dixondalefarms.com

Company Overview

Dixondale Farms was started in the year 1913 and engages in harvesting, growing and marketing of onions. The Dixondale Farms for more than 100 years produces onions in Texas. The Dixondale Farms produces a variety of onions such as Texas legend, copra, Texas early white, Walla Walla, candy, red candy apple, etc. The one of the main variety of onion produced in Dixondale Farms is the jumbo sized colossal onions. The farm makes use of harvesting aids, growing aids, and Lancelot leeks for proper production of onions. The onion plants used for this process include short day varieties, intermediate day varieties, and specialty onions.

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