Fiesta Mart, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Fiesta Mart, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
5235 Katy Fwy. Houston, TX 77007
Phone: (713)869-5060

Company Overview

Fiesta Mart Inc. is a supermarket chain, which has been founded by O. C. Mendenhall and Donald Bonham in 1970. Grocers Supply Co, a grocery wholesaler, now owns the supermarket. It has nearly 60 stores in Texas selling conventional and ethnic groceries inclusive of popular items with potential customers in the Asian-American and Mexican markets. They acquired three supermarkets from Winn-Dixie stores after the grocer had left Texas. In Supermarkets, Fiesta leases kiosks to customers offering items like cell phones and accessories. Even the company operates about fifteen Beverage Mart liquor stores. They are successful in catering to requirements and shopping trend of customers.

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