Kite Loft Corporate Office Headquarters

Kite Loft Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
511 North Atlantic Avenue Ocean City, MD 21842
Phone: (410)289-7855

Company Overview

Kite Loft is an American based company that engages in the business of retailing kites, aerial toys, banners, windsocks, yard ornaments, kite accessories and other fun products. Kite Loft was founded in 1975 by Bill Ochse, beginning its operations in downtown Ocean City, Maryland on a side street just off the ocean. The company has grown since then currently having 2 retail stores and acting host to kiting events which are attended by exhibitors, contestants and visitors from all over the world. Kite Loft is currently owned by Jay and Marry Lyn Knerr and the company is based in Ocean City, Maryland.

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