Levenger Corporate Office Headquarters

Levenger Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
420 South Congress Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33445
Phone: (561)276-2436
Website: www.levenger.com

Company Overview

Levenger is a company dealing with stationeries like pens, refills, notebooks, bag, paper, cases, wallets, desk accessories, furnishings etc. The company seeks to design products of daily use with both functional utility and added beauty. They mainly deal in products that help the consumers to read, think, communicate and even deliver innumerable creative expressions. The products of the company certainly help to work in tandem to latest technology. They offer a platform for productive coexistence and helps people to enjoy the best out of both new and old. In 1987, Lavenger introduced their first catalog of Tools for Serious Readers.

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