Little Things Mean A Lot Corporate Office Headquarters

Little Things Mean A Lot Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
455 East State Road American Fork, UT 84003
Phone: (801)756-7908

Company Overview

Little Things Mean a Lot is a leading American based company that operates primarily in the clothing line of business. Little Things Mean a Lot manufactures and markets some of the highest quality infant specialty clothing, heirloom christening gowns and outfit to the market. The company also offers a wide variety of infant baptism accessories and apparel. The story of Little Things Mean a Lot started in Switzerland with a young divorced mother, Lydia Diggleman, who was struggling to feed her kids. A seamstress by trade, Lydia struggled till she earned ship fare to the US where she found a new life but continued with the trade of design and fabrication which led to the birth of Little Things Mean a Lot.

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