Milbank Manufacturing Co Corporate Office Headquarters

Milbank Manufacturing Co Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
4801 Deramus Avenue Kansas City, MO 64120
Phone: (816)483-5314

Company Overview

Milbank Manufacturing Company engages in manufacturing industrial, metering, and alternative power solutions. The Milbank Manufacturing Company was founded in the year 1927 and has headquarters located in Kansas City, Missouri and also has facilities in Concordia, Missouri, and El Dorado, Arkansas. The company has research and development laboratory and training center in Kansas City, Missouri. The company offers electrical enclosures, residential commercial meter sockets and pedestals, home power outlets, transformers, circuit breakers, safety switches, meter mains and breakers, service pedestals, multiple position sockets, commercial utility metering products, recreational vehicle and temporary power sockets, and air conditioner disconnects.

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Milbank Manufacturing Co Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about Milbank Manufacturing Co available. Share your review.

  • By no name - Posted on: August 23, 2013

    Check out the Milbank employee review on glass door ,it gives an accurate description of the real Milbank.

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