One Price Clothing Stores Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

One Price Clothing Stores Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
Highway 290 Duncan, SC 29334
Phone: (864)433-8888

Company Overview

One Price Clothing Stores Inc Corporate Office in Duncan South Carolina, is a retail chain dealing with clothing and associated materials meant for youngsters, misses and children in North Americao, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Established in 1984 by Jacob as J.K Apparel Inc as a retailer, the company registered “One Price” as a Trademark with the U. S Office of Patents and Trademarks in 1987. Commodities handled are pants, tops, blouses, shirts, skirts, shorts, jackets, sweaters, swimsuits, raincoats and in-skirts- all branded items. Further, seasonal dresses, current trends, sportswears and other peripheral items including perfumes, belts, mufflers, ornaments and handbags are specials of the company. Today its operations cover about 700 locations.

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