Pen Air Federal Credit Union Corporate Office Headquarters

Pen Air Federal Credit Union Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1495 East 9 Mile Road Pensacola, FL 32514
Phone: (850)505-7811

Company Overview

Pen Air Federal Credit Union offers a wide array of personal, business, investment and insurance facilities to various clients. Their asset management division offers a wide range of financial planning services that offers various alternative ways to innumerable members for investing their earned money. Their major aim is to deliver comprehensive service and financial products for meeting effective business and personal requirements. Asset Management section of the company also makes sure that every necessary information is explained in clear terms to the clients. The insurance section of the company offers insurance cover in many regions like homeowners, individual health, flood and even automobiles.

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Pen Air Federal Credit Union Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about Pen Air Federal Credit Union available. Share your review.

  • By James Long - Posted on: April 25, 2013

    Tired of bad cards, Poor service and being messed with by Daine Cole. Have repeadly asked for her supervisor and keep getting told nobody is available. She will not give out contact info, and refuses too to let anybody talk to anyone above her. Then she informs me she has told someone above her to call me. Nobody has. I do not, wont or have time to deal with Penairs piss poor customer treatnment. nor will I come to a branch to accomadate you. I have been a good customer for years. Penair has gone from a good bank to bad the last 2 years.Daine Cole has made it worse because of her lack of respect, refusel to help customers, and blocking calls to her superiors, and even making it impossible to deposit a check without her permission. Customer service is no longer part of Penair. You lost a car loan because of Daine and her crew. I refuse again to come into a office because of the leading questions of Daine and her people and the fact she has blocked and minuplited contact between her bosses and me.WHen you have a supervisor who takes up for bad service, and continues on with it... You have a bad repersintive for your company.Now please tell me why I have too deal with incompantancey like Daine?

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