Personality Hotels Corporate Office Headquarters

Personality Hotels Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
440 Geary Street San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415)202-8700

Company Overview

Personality Hotels is an American based hotel chain established in 1982 and has its headquarters in San Francisco, California. The name of the company was changed from Hotel Diva to Personality Hotels in the year 1995. The company aims at bridging the gap between residence and hotel. The Personality Hotels are located in prime locations within walking distance from theaters, restaurants, shopping, and from financial district. The hotels runs sleek, sexy, modern Hotel Diva, the original boutique Hotel Union Square, artfully exemplifies living Steinhart Hotel, The best address on Union Square Kensington Park Hotel, elegant rooms with beach at footstep Mariposa Hotel, and Flamingo Resort and Spa.

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