Petroleum Truck Stop Corporate Office Headquarters

Petroleum Truck Stop Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
500 Graves Boulevard Salina, KS 67401
Phone: (785)826-8294

Company Overview

Petro Stopping Center is one of the leading travel plaza chains of the nation offering various facilities to drivers and motorists since 1975. Travel Centers of America purchased Petro Stopping Centers in 31 May 2007. The company provides a high quality of value, cleanliness and services including segregated truck fueling lanes, personal lockable showers, a driver reliability program, LOF services of 30 minutes, and many other services. They offer services 24 hours everyday. They even offer several entertaining activities such as 24 hours free TV rooms and movie theatres. Drivers can also find more than 5000 snacks and various types of delicious food items in the Iron Skillet.

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