Red-Darc Corporate Office Headquarters

Red-Darc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
685 Lee Industrial Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (770)819-1515

Company Overview

Red-Darc is a leading company that engages in the renting and leading welding and welding related products and provision of welding services both in America and in the international market. Red-Darc rents out welding products such as diesel engine driven welders, gas engine driven welders, paks and stick welders, LPG engine driven welder, TIG welders, stud welders, DC converters, advanced process welders, automation systems, manipulators, power distribution panels, positioners, fit up bed rollers and turning rolls. The company also engages in the renting out of welding related equipment and it also provides construction site equipment. Red-Darc was founded in 1955 and it is based in Georgia, USA.

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