Rinderer's Drug Stores Corporate Office Headquarters

Rinderer's Drug Stores Corporate Office | Headquarters

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1053 Cave Springs Boulevard St Peters, MO 63376
Phone: (636)928-3957

Company Overview

Rinderer's Drug Stores was a family owned chain of pharmacy that offered exclusive services since 1961. In 2010 a subsidiary of Eden Prairie, Shop 'n Save acquired Rinderer's Drug Stores. Matthew Carlsie who served as the president of the company during the time of acquisition joined Shop 'n Save as a pharmacist. The three branches of the company located so far across Natural Bridge Ave. in St Louis, Bellwood Road in Bethalto, and Hoghway 50 West in Union MO operated as Shop 'n Save pharmacies. The remaining locations of the company were closed after transferring their prescription files to different existing pharmacies of Shop 'n Save.

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