A-1 Home Healthcare Center Corporate Office Headquarters

A-1 Home Healthcare Center Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1105 1st Avenue North Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Phone: (515)955-1654

Company Overview

A-1 Home Healthcare Center is a company that supplies essential products of healthcare. It is located in the region of Des Moines, Iowa. They deal in supplying equipments related to medical purposes, which include compressions hose, hospital beds, incontinent supplies, oxygen, compression socks, masectomy supplies, wheelchairs, walkers, ostomy supplies, bath safety aids, seat lift chairs and many others. They provide essential first aid supplies to meet emergency medical condition at various homes in the region. They even undertake free delivery of such medical equipments at various hospitals, medical facility centers and even at homes in the region of Des Moines. They have received accreditation by JCAHO, due to effective and emergency service.

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