Casa Perico Corporate Office Headquarters

Casa Perico Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
12217 North Pennsylvania Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Phone: (405)748-3377

Company Overview

Casa Perico is a family-owned restaurant chain having a number of centers at Oklahoma City. The restaurant is functional since 1996. They specialize in serving Mexican Grille. The luncheon variety is available in both beef and mutton contents and is available from 11 in the morning to 4 at the evening. Apart from this, side dishes are also available, like Mexican rice, refried beans, borracho beans, ranchero beans, steamed corn, Mexican corn, grilled veggies; to mention a few. Among beverages, rocks or frozen Margaritas are highly preferred. Mexican beverages of bohemia, pacific, carta blanca, negra modelo are also very popular.

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