Design Toscano Catalog Corporate Office Headquarters

Design Toscano Catalog Corporate Office | Headquarters

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1400 Morse Avenue Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: (847)952-0100

Company Overview

Design Toscano Inc is the provider of various decorative items for home and garden. Design Toscano was established in the year 1989 and has its headquarters located in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. The products of Design Toscano includes reproduction furniture, home and garden decor, wall decor, furniture, Egyptian products, indoor and garden statues, and exotic home accents and gifts, and a huge collection of themed products, including fairies, animals, angels, dragons and gargoyles, Celtic, sports, fountains, medieval and gothic, and the classic products. The products of the Design Toscano Company are available to its customers through its stores and by their online website.

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