ID Tech Camps Corporate Office Headquarters

ID Tech Camps Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
42 West Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008
Phone: (888)709-8324

Company Overview

ID Tech Camps or Internal Drive is a general summer computer camp. They specialize to provide education with the help of technology and make it even filled with fun for children aged between 7 to 18 years old. The camp offers various programs across 60 universities and colleges throughout the United States. These camps offer special classes on a variety of technical subjects like, photography and film making, designing video game, programming applications, designing web, 3D animation and even robotics. The camp even achieves great success through their integrated teaching-learning process based on fun-frolic ways that eases burden on the children. Apart from this, smaller group of students (almost 8 per group) helps to make the process even easier for the instructors to handle in a better fashion.

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