Jamba Juice Corporate Office Headquarters

Jamba Juice Corporate Office | Headquarters

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210 Ward Avenue Suite 105 Honolulu, HI 96814
Phone: (808)545-1149
Website: www.jambajuice.com

Company Overview

Jamba Juice is a retail restaurant chain. There are about 336 locations owned by the company and 473 stores operated by franchises. They entered into a partnership with Nestle and brought our some healthy and ready-to-drink beverages. Juices and smoothies constitute main products of the company. In 2008, the company even started to venture into tasty eatery providing sandwiches, wraps, flatbreads and even salads. They even deal in healthy and tasty drinks and beverages especially for children. Other than these, the company even hosts hot beverages of tea and coffee. There is even a play center of the company where children can spend time while their parents engage in leisurely time with friends.

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