Micro Component Technology Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Micro Component Technology Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2340 County Road Centre West Saint Paul, MN 55113
Phone: (651)697-1339
Website: www.mct.com

Company Overview

Micro Component Technology Inc is a trusted manufacturer, designer and supplier of strip test handlers, strip laser markers and film frame markers who offers their exclusive business for the semiconductor industry. They have a wide range of installed base of IC test equipment. MCT has installed more than 12,000 testers and handlers since their inception in 1972. The company has their operations in different nations of the world so far across the USA, Korea, Europe, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines. In 1999, they acquired Fico's Infinity Systems. John H. Moon serves as the chief executive officer and president of the company since 2009.

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