Ritz Camera Centers, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Ritz Camera Centers, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
6711 Ritz Way Beltsville, MD 20705
Phone: (301)419-0000
Website: www.ritzpix.com

Company Overview

The Ritz Camera & Image is a photofinishing specialty and photographic retail shop. The headquarters of this company is situated in Beltsville, Maryland. Currently, there are 137 stores of the company, which operates in United States and are giving satisfactory service to their customer. In the year 2012, the company had done a special announcement that it is going to liquidate its assets. The Ritz is the first store photo finisher that offers 4*6 prints from the 35mm film and provides online facility to its customers. The company was established back in the year 1918 and it has acquired many of its competitors.

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