Sweat Pt Corporate Office Headquarters

Sweat Pt Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
438 Osceola Avenue Jacksonville Bch, FL 32250
Phone: (904)247-3633

Company Overview

Sweat Pt offers comprehensive training on contractual basis, under expert guidance. The company also offers additional nutritional guidance of Ben Sharpe. The training sessions include 'touch training' sessions in order to improve posture and other exercising techniques while undergoing the movements. Payments for these training sessions are usually made on the pre-paid basis through cheque, cash or PayPal. The staffs are qualified, holding BS in exercising field or accredited by national institutions. Personal training from staffs of Sweat Pt offer high advantages than participating in group exercising courses. The trainers associated with the organization are also trained to deal with aligning posture, geriatrics, special populations, prenatal training etc.

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