Vonage Corporate Office Headquarters

Vonage Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
23 Main Street Holmdel, NJ 07733
Phone: (732)528-2600
Website: www.vonage.com

Company Overview

Vonage is commercial SIP Company as well as a VoIP network, which is publicly owned. The company primarily offers telephone service through a broadband connection. Founded in the year 2001, the company has its headquarters in Holmdel, New Jersey. The company offers different calling plans for its customers, which include small business calling plans, international plans, and even local plans. Vonage World is one of the most popular calling plans offered by the company, which was introduced in 2009. The customers have to get a Cable or DSL broadband connection and a phone adapter of the company, for using the services offered by the company.

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Vonage Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about Vonage available. Share your review.

  • By Abhishek Dwivedi - Posted on: August 8, 2013

    sales person told me that i have to pay 9.99$ for 6 month when i was buying the connection n now after 3 months they are charging me 35$ instead of 17$ n telling me that is in my agreement,,, why they gave me false commitment,,, now when i told them that close my account then they are asking for agreement fee,,means the only thing to sell the connection to the customers any how n then make an agreement with false commitment n after that charge them for all... help me out 2082203054

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