Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
5050 Edgewood Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32254
Phone: (904)783-5000

Company Overview

Winn Dixie Stores Inc is the chain of popular supermarket stores in America that offers services in Jacksonville region, Florida. In the list of Top American Food Retailers, the company has ranked 24. In addition, Supermarket News reported that in the fiscal year of 2009, an estimated sales amount of the company was 7.3 billion US dollars. At present, the company operates near about 485 stores in states like Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Georgia. The company started its journey in the year 1925 and continued services under the same name until 1955. At present, near about 49,000 full time employees are working with the company.

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