Denny's Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

Denny's Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
203 E. Main St. Spartanburg, SC 29319
Phone: (864)597-8000
Reviews: 12 WRITE REVIEW

Company Overview

Dennys Corporation formerly known as Dannys Coffee Shop is a family coffee shop and a restaurant chain in United States. This company was founded in 1953 with its headquarters in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The corporation has about 1600 restaurants in the United States which are owned or franchised. Dennys Corporation is also in Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, etc. The company offers breakfast that includes hamburgers, steaks, salads and dessert, and also lunch and dinner. The company is open throughout the day and is open on holidays except if there is any enforcement of law as to close the restaurant.

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Denny's Corporation Reviews

There are currently 12 consumer reviews about Denny's Corporation available. Share your review.

  • By Marcos - Posted on: May 1, 2013

    It is embarrassing for me as a employee of dennys to go eat at dennys that is franchise and they dont have anything to eat (example) no cheese no bacon no waffle no turkey no nachos no tbone no fries and this is every week.... It is a shame because it makes all dennys look bad. The adrress is 18620 s weatern ave. phone (310)532-9389 stone # is7282. And i hope that you take this information into considaration... Any questions my email is

  • By maria coble - Posted on: October 27, 2014

    My husband went to the bank next door to get money leaving me and my son at the Dennis restorant to find our truck in pound because my husband wasnt with me I WONT NEVER GO TO ANY DENNIS I've never got so humiliated in my life. And you want a rating is 0000000

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