4 Kids Entertainment Inc is a film and television production company aiming at the youth oriented market. The company was founded by Mike Germakian, and Stan Weston. The company was earlier known to be Leisure Concepts till November 1995. The multinational company has its worlds headquarters located in Third Avenue in New York City. The Company operations are divided into three categories Licensing, and Television and Film Production Distribution, Advertising Media and Broadcast. The divisions of the company are 4Sight Licensing Solutions, 4LC Sports and Entertainment, and Licensing Pinwrest Development Group. 4 Kids Entertainment Inc is now known to be 4 Licensing Corporation.
There are currently 1 consumer reviews about 4Kids Entertainment, Inc available. Share your review.
Overall I am unsatisfied in the way they have continued the yu-gi-oh series I think it is more appealing to have the series have a prequel in which we see the Pharaoh's life before he came to the modern world. There is plenty of plot points including the fight with Anubis which is vaguely talked about in the first Yu-gi-oh movie and you can still have the original characters appear, who knows you can make yugi his son and joey a friend on the street , or whatever. I don't watch the new series because they suck, many people agree they hate the sequels bring back the original it would be nice. And there is plenty of room for marketing cards still.... just a thought.
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