Air EVAC Lifeteam Corporate Office Headquarters

Air EVAC Lifeteam Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
306 Davis Drive West Plains, MO 65775
Phone: (417)256-0010

Company Overview

Air Evac Lifeteam is an independently operated and owned membership-supported firm. They are the largest company in the region of Missouri to provide air medical services. They conduct operation through mutually supportive air medical facilities. The medical team was founded in 1985. They were created to serve the region of rural areas of Missouri Ozark in order to provide medical assistance to the unprivileged inhabitants. Corporate office of the firm is located at West Plains, MO. They serve over fourteen states, including Arkansas, Illinois, Georgia, Alabama, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and many other underprivileged areas. They have near about one hundred and five bases of medical support by air. They even provide largest air ambulance service across eight states.

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