Dempster Corporate Office Headquarters

Dempster Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1818 Dempster Street Evanston, IL 60202
Phone: (847)864-3609

Company Overview

Dempster Auto Rebuilders Inc engages in providing high quality collision repair. The Dempster Auto Rebuilders operates in Evanston for about 45 years. The employees of the company are all certified through accredited training programs conducted by institutions. The Dempster Auto Rebuilders Company also helps local schools, Chamber of Commerce, PTA functions and also sponsors sports such as Youth Hockey teams, and Little League Baseball. The services provided by Dempster Auto Rebuilders includes body work, refinishing, unibody frame works, alignment, detailing. The company also accepts insurance work from most of the insurance providers. The service of the Dempster Auto Rebuilders comes with warranty.

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