Eckerd Drugs Corporate Office Headquarters

Eckerd Drugs Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2100 Washington Pike Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: (412)276-7077

Company Overview

The Eckerd Drugs Corporate is one of the oldest drug store chains of U.S.A. Founded by two young lads, J. Milton Eckerd and Z. Tatom in the 18th century. After foraying into the medical market the company juggled through many hands and merged with many market leaders to establish their brand in the emerging medical market. Today the company has created its presence in different locations of U.S.A. Soon the company started swelling its presence by merging with different competitors in the market. They merged with market leaders of the medicine industry such as CVS and merged with Brooks pharmacy and then with Rite Aid. This helped them to increase their strong hold in different markets of U.S.A. Currently they created their presence in more than 23 states of U.S. The company has several products in the market which includes medicine, beauty products and general merchandise.

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