Footlights Haircut Shops Corporate Office Headquarters

Footlights Haircut Shops Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
9 Westport Road Suite C Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: (816)531-4844

Company Overview

Footlights Haircut Shops is a privately owned company that offer hair removal and other services related to haircut and hairstyling. In the U.S Yalwa Business directory, the company has been categorized as Hair Removal Company. The company is widely known for offering variety of beauty services to celebrities and to common people as well. Pain-Less Permanent Hair, Ideal Image are some of the rival companies of the Footlights Haircut Shops. Along with providing services, the company also trains other professionals on hair removal skill in its personal training studio. Headquarter of the company is in Kansas City, Westport Road. Revenue earned by the organization yearly is $36 million approximately.

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