Ratner Companies, L C Corporate Office Headquarters

Ratner Companies, L C Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1577 Spring Hill Rd.,Ste. 500 Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: (703)269-5400
Website: www.ratnerco.com

Company Overview

Ratner Companies, L C is one of the largest family-owned and operated hair salons chain in the country. Ratner Companies, L C salons offer services and products from diverse brands such as the BUBBLES, Hair Cuttery, ColorWorks, Salon Cielo and Spa and Salon Plaza. Ratner Companies, L C was founded by Dennis and Ann Ratner and it has grown tremendously since its inception to become one of the leading chains of salons in the country. Currently it operates about 800 salons which are located in 16 states across the country. The company currently employs over 12,000 salon stylists.

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