Rebel Lumber Company, Inc. Corporate Office Headquarters

Rebel Lumber Company, Inc. Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1401 Anson County Rd. Marshville, NC 28103
Phone: (704)272-7623

Company Overview

Rebel Lumber Company, Inc is a company that makes fine wood from California pines. Rebel Lumber Company, Inc, through its mill operations, produces wood products which include hardwood lumber( air- dried, green and Kiln-dried), furniture-grade lumber, wood chips, planks for flooring, custom millwork and crosscuts, landscaping bark, grade and rough lumber and sawdust. Rebel Lumber Company, Inc was founded in the year 1973. The company's president is Winifred Little. Rebel Lumber Company, Inc is owned by Winfred Little and family. Rebel Lumber Company is based at Marshville in North Carolina in the United States.

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