Ruddick Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

Ruddick Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
301 S. Tryon St.,Ste. 1800 Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone: (704)372-5404

Company Overview

Ruddick Corporation is presently known as Harris Teeter Supermarkets, Inc. The company engages in providing a chain of supermarkets in areas of southeastern and mid Atlantic US, and the District of Columbia. The Company operates about 208 supermarkets located in North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida and Georgia. The products offered by these supermarkets includes a range of groceries, meat and seafood, bakery items, delicatessen items, wines and nonfood items such as general merchandise, health and beauty care, and floral. The headquarters of Ruddick Corporation is located in Matthews, North Carolina, and has revenue of about $4.5 billion.

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