99 Cents Only Stores Corporate Office Headquarters

99 Cents Only Stores Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
4000 Union Pacific Ave. Commerce, CA 90023
Phone: (323)980-8145
Website: www.99only.com

Company Overview

99 Cents Only Stores is the nation�s oldest chain of single priced retailer, founded by David Gold in 1982. The headquarters is at Commerce, California, USA. There are 275 stores in USA, with 206 operating in Southern California and 12 in Nevada, 25 in Arizona and 32 in Texas. All the items sold in this store costs 0.99 Cents or less. The company also indulges in bargaining and wholesale to retailers across United States and exports over to 15 countries. The company categorizes its product as Food and Grocery, Household and House wares, Health and Beauty care, Hardware, Stationery and Party, Seasonal and Others.

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99 Cents Only Stores Reviews

There are currently 5 consumer reviews about 99 Cents Only Stores available. Share your review.

  • By Danny - Posted on: August 19, 2013

    I have purchased bottles of Sunny Delight in plastic containers at a 99 Cents only store in Carmichael California and the cashiers charge me ten cents deposit or CRV for each bottle, but each container is marked Five cents. Does this indicate the 99 Cents only store is over charging customer twice the price of the deposit?

  • By Steven West - Posted on: July 9, 2013

    I was in your store on Harbor Blvd. To buy a few things and a gift card... At the point of leaving the store I misplaced my wallet. To get help from the store manager I had to call the police. They would not let me see footage of being in line. Where my wallet may have dropped and or stolen. They would not trace a number to reference the 99 cent Store Card I bought for 9.99. They store manager said I was out of luck, because they don't check the cards when they are used or numbered when they are sold. Whomever stole my wallet will eventually use the card I purchased. I have police report filed with Costa Mesa Police Dept. HOW CAN YOU HELP ME??? stevengwest@roadrunner.com

  • By Annonymous - Posted on: July 28, 2014

    This complaint is on the new opening of the 99 cent Store in Waco, TX. It had probably been about a month since I shopped at this store and when I went on 7/28/2014,around 6:30 thru 7 pm, I was disgusted and ashamed of how bad this store looked. I kid you not there were two aisle that could not be walked through or merchandise be seen do to pallets piled from front to back and on end caps. Some of the aisle looked like they were running low on product, but the product was sitting right across it in boxes. I almost felt compelled to start stocking. All I saw working was one cashier and a woman on the next register working on paperwork one outside on break. I believe the Manager of the store was there because I seen her walk back into the office and not come out. She is a short Hispanic woman with medium length black curly hair shes short and really dark, I think she is from Mexico. If she really cared about the Store she would have been trying to do something. I asked the cashier what was going on? Her explanation was it was a hot mess! Excuse me what does that me? I didnt understand. I could not believe the condition and appearance of the store. I would have had the Manager in charge that day, discharge immediately. Thank you for your time and attention and hopefully take care and take seriously.

  • By mc - Posted on: June 5, 2013

    On 6/4/13 I went to the Tidwell location where a guy with a name tag of James was incharge. I am not a picky or customer that complains unless someone is rude such as in this case. I bought $50 worth of products & after check out, I saw that I had been charged $.99 ea. for Ocean Spray Diet 32oz.Juice that had a big taped $.59 price label underneath the products. When I started telling him about the discrepancy, he quickly cut my sentence short by interrupting me stating "WE DON'T DO PRICE MATCHING ON MISPRICED ITEMS". I just said OK, I want to re (before I could finish saying return) took the receipt, gave me my refund all the while complaining that's what they had talked earlier that morning.

  • By C.Spyier - Posted on: March 5, 2013

    the manager at this store is uncaring,rude and has HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE A lady fell down at her store last week and this mgr. did not even have the compassion to ask if she was alright.She simply made reference to the womans shoes.I will never go to the La Puente store on Hacienda Blvd. and will tell everyone I know not to.Its shameful to treat people this way and being that there are to local Dollar Tree stores I will go there instead. This customer was treated poorly and already embarrased,not once did she show concern.

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