Sentra Securities Corporate Office Headquarters

Sentra Securities Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2355 Northside Drive San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: (619)640-9090

Company Overview

Sentra Securities Corporation functions as a management Service Consulting company. They fall under the industry category related to Administrative Management and General Manage$ent Consulting Services. They had incurred revenue of about $150,000 in 2011. The office is located in the region of San Diego, CA. The company is mainly managed by the Principal, Linna Morgan; Scott Heising, the treasurer and Steve Rothstein acting as the director. In 1998, Sun America Inc., acquired the company and in 1986, the company was brought up in a civil complaint that was charged against three clients who had confessed of using insider tip in order to extract advantage from stock market trading.

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