The Pasta House CO Corporate Office Headquarters

The Pasta House CO Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1143 Macklind Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63110
Phone: (314)535-6644

Company Overview

Joe Fresta and Kim Tucci founded the Pasta House CO in the year 1974 with another partner, John P. Ferrera. They focused on providing quality Italian food at affordable price margins. Today the company has about 2,000 employees who are dedicated to the same value. The Pasta House CO offers 25 different varieties of pasta to choose from and 15 specialty entrees of chicken, beef and seafood. They also run a special program spanning over 10 to 12 weeks that teaches the intricacies of food preparation, equipment operation, cost control, office procedures and office control related to food business through classroom coaching as well as on the job training.

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