Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
7401 S. Cicero Ave. Chicago, IL 60629
Phone: (773)838-3400

Company Overview

The Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc is one of the country's well known and popular candy producers. Originally the initiative started in the year 1896. What had started as an initiative locally at that point of time is well spread over the globe today as the company supplies their products to 75 countries today through their distribution channels. Apart from the range of products they have to offer, the company also focuses on encouraging the theme of healthy living and eating which is in sync with their products too. They take special care in promoting the fact that everyone should eat healthy and their products are healthy as they are not only nutritious but also allergen free.

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