Young Explorers Schools Corporate Office Headquarters

Young Explorers Schools Corporate Office | Headquarters

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1201 South Avenida Sirio Tucson, AZ 85710
Phone: (520)747-1816

Company Overview

Young Explorers Schools engages in providing child care and preschool services. The school in short is known as YES. The company was founded in the year 1971 and is based in Tucson, Arizona. The Young Explorers Schools provides activities to encourage the social, emotional, physical and intellectual abilities of children. The child care services provided by the company includes parenting classes, day care and preschool, language art and music classes, field trips, cooking activities, and swimming pool onsite. The working hour of school is from 6.30 am to 6.00 pm throughout weekdays. The Young Explorers Schools has two locations at Tucson, Arizona.

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