24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office Headquarters

24 Hour Fitness Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1202 Northwest Irving Street Portland, OR 97209
Phone: (503)219-6300
Website: www.24hourfitness.com

Company Overview

24 Hours Fitness is one of the largest chains of Fitness Centers in the World. It is a privately owned organization that holds third position after two other popular fitness clubs that are Fitness First in UK and Gold's Gym. At present, the organization has approximate 425 clubs and more than 18,000 full time employees are working there. Corporate office of the organization is located in San Ramon, California. Mark. S. Mastrov is known as the founder of this company and Carl Liebert is the present CEO of the company. Currently it is owned by the equity firm Forstmann Little & Company.

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24 Hour Fitness Reviews

There are currently 2 consumer reviews about 24 Hour Fitness available. Share your review.

  • By Malik Brown - Posted on: April 8, 2013

    I represent a group of patrons at the Arcadia, CA 24hr Fitness Center...This is a complaint about the slow fixing of machines at said gym and the slow arrival of equipment, ie, tricep pull-down ropes that we were told that they'd be in next week, over two months ago!...The peck-deck has been down for a couple of months as well...Clips for the barbells are always in shortage and if an accident occurs, because of a clip not being on, well, I don't have to tell you that a law suit will ensue...Also, the water cooler is constantly overflowing from being clogged...We are being told that merchandise is being stolen and we find that hard to believe in an upper class area and who steals tricep ropes?...And where would they used them?...We don't understand how a corporation such as yours is so slow in getting the merchandise fixed and imported...We pay our dues on a timely basis and would like, in the same regard, your company to do the same...

  • By Malik Brown - Posted on: April 8, 2013

    Addendum...I spoke to another patron that was unaware that we were lodging a complaint and he told me that there is a guy who frequents the sauna room that speech is laden with expletives directed at no one in particular, in other words, Tourette Syndrome like and evidently this guy touched a female patron...The patron complained to the manager, but nothing was done about it...He also stated that one of the cable machines has been repaired in a slipshod manner, which has made it unsafe, something to do with the pin not stable...

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