Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
4300 W. Cypress St.,Ste. 600 Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: (813)283-7000

Company Overview

Checkers DriveIn Restaurants Inc owns a chain of drive-thru restaurants with its headquarters in Tampa, Florida. There are over eight hundred locations, where the company runs its restaurants. These restaurants mainly offer hot dogs, hamburgers, milkshakes, and French fries. Primarily this company was formed after the merger of different companies in 1999. Originally, the main company was founded back in the year 1986. There is very little seating arrangement in the restaurants. The main change that the company applied is that it made the size of the burgers bigger. Other products include soft drinks, hot wings, fish, and chicken.

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