7-Eleven Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

7-Eleven Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
P.O. Box 711 Dallas, TX 75221
Phone: (972)828-7011

Company Overview

7 Eleven Inc operates franchises and licenses multinational convenience stores. The products offered by the stores include bakery items, beverages, juices, deli sandwiches, gasoline, newspapers, packaged bakery items, electronics, apparels, alcohol, tobacco products, and gifts. 7 Eleven Inc was earlier known to be Southland Corporation till 1999. The company was established in 1927 and is located in Dallas, Texas. 7 Eleven Inc runs as a subsidiary to Seven Eleven Japan Co Ltd. The 7 Eleven Inc has stores at United States, Canada, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Norway, Sweden, the Philippines, and Denmark.

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