Interstate Bakeries Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

Interstate Bakeries Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
6031 Connection Dr. Irving, TX 75039
Phone: (972)532-4500

Company Overview

Interstate Bakeries Corporation came into existence in 1930. Earlier, they were popular as Hostess Brands, Inc. The company owns several brands – Nature's pride, Dolly Madison, Wonder Bread, Butternut Breads, Drake's etc. Interstate Bakeries came into being in 1930 after Schulze Bakery merged with other seven bakers under an umbrella brand of Western Bakeries at Los Angeles. They were eventually the fifth largest bakery in the country. They even made a place as a wholesaler of loaves of butternut bread, wrapped in gingham to various grocery stores. The company has its origin embedded in Nafziger Bakeries initiated by Ralph Leroy Nafziger.

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