Lohman Corporate Office Headquarters

Lohman Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
725 West Granada Boulevard Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Phone: (386)615-1100
Website: www.lohmanfuneralhomes.com

Company Overview

Lohman is a leading company that owns and operates funeral homes which provide funeral services to the people of the Daytona Beach area and the surrounding area. Lohman offers personalized funeral services to the communities that reside in the Dayton beach and the surrounding through seven of the funeral homes, Cardwell Funeral Home, Bagget & Summers Funeral Home, Lohman Funeral Home Deland, Lohman Funeral Home Palm Coast, Lohman Funeral Home Port Orange, Lohman Funeral Home Ormond and Lohman Funeral Home Deltona, which they own and operate. The company is a member of associations such as Florida Funeral Directors Association and Independent Funeral Director Association. Lohman is based in Ormond Beach, Florida.

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