Snap-On Incorporated Corporate Office Headquarters

Snap-On Incorporated Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2801 80th St. Kenosha, WI 53143
Phone: (262)656-5200

Company Overview

Snap On Incorporated is a leading American manufacturer and marketer of high end tools, equipments, repair information, diagnostics and system solution for professional users. The company was founded in 1920 and has its headquarters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The professional and hand tools producers employs about 11,500 people globally. The company provides solutions to problems occurring in the fields such as shop equipment and professional tools for vehicle dealerships and repair centers, information and management systems, as well as customers in industries, including aviation, agriculture, construction, aerospace, Government and military, natural resources, mining, and power generation globally in about 130 countries.

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