Spencer Gifts Llc Corporate Office Headquarters

Spencer Gifts Llc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
6826 Black Horse Pike Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
Phone: (609)645-3300
Website: www.spencersonline.com

Company Overview

Spencer Gifts Llc is a mall retailer, which owns stores in countries other than U.S. as well. The company targets consumers belonging to the age group of twelve to twenty-five, so the product lineup of the company include rock n roll clothes, band merchandise, customized t-shirts, gag gifts, playboy apparel and décor, room décor, horror and fantasy products, and even collectible figures. The company also puts forward a huge collection of body and fashion jewels. The company also operates temporary Halloween stores. The company was founded in 1947, as mail-order catalog, and now its headquarters is located in Egg Harbor Township in New Jersey.

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