Synergy Brands Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Synergy Brands Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

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223 Underhill Blvd. Syosset, NY 11791
Phone: (516)714-8200

Company Overview

Synergy Brands Inc or SYBR is a holding organization and has operations via its wholly owned subsidiary PHS Group Inc for wholesale distribution of health and beauty products, groceries and Quality Food Brands Inc. It had been incorporated on 26th September, 1988. It owns nearly 20% of outstanding common stock of Interline Travels and Tours Inc. Additionally, the company offers resort and cruise hotels packages to their retirees as well as their employees. Synergy Brands Inc operates into spice business, grocery packages, banking mix manufacturing and meal business. The products distributed by organization include Gillette, Duracell, Bounty, Clorox, Tide and others.

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