American Eagle Outfitters Corporate Office Headquarters

American Eagle Outfitters Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
77 Hot Metal St. Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Phone: (412)432-3300

Company Overview

The company American eagle Outfitters is a company, which provides services for the clothing and for accessories; it works as a retail chain in America. The brand actually targets the males and females of age group fourteen to twenty five years. The company actually have almost nine hundred retailer stores of the in the America and Canada. The company even has an online store and one and gets different variety of products for the women and men. The company serves very popular brands and it provides products like polo jeans, Henley shirts, low risen jeans outerwear's, swimwear's and many other such products.

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American Eagle Outfitters Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about American Eagle Outfitters available. Share your review.

  • By michelle jones - Posted on: July 30, 2014

    got treadted very poorly in the eastchase store in montgomery,al was approached by the employee benjamin asking my son to lift his shirt he thought he was stealing clothes im not a mininum wage person i work two jobs we dont have to steal shit.all black people do not steal went to manager on duty she telle me she on a phone call and was not getting off. Really your company allow people like this to work for you,i will never shop there again.

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